PSDV is fatal

Jesus is Lord, Matters of the Heart / Thursday, June 27th, 2024

The other day while I was scrolling on the internet, I landed on an unsuspecting video which led me to write this post. The video was a 30 sec rant from a woman about the injustice that happened to her in her childhood and early life and how she did well for herself despite the pain she had to undergo. Lot of the comments on her video showed compassion, encouragement and comforted her. But there was one comment that blew my mind.

The comment read something to this effect. This is an example of Perpetual Self Diagnosed Victimhood. Such people intensively ruminate on their past struggles  to try and understand why they are the way they are and label themselves different things just to make sense of themselves. I resonated with that comment a great deal because I used to be that person. The downside to being a self-diagnosed know-it-all is you can probably recognise the symptoms but not necessarily have the tools to solve or heal your situation.

People make it even hard these days with phrases like childhood trauma, trust issues, trauma response, triggers and what not. Not to belittle anyone that’s going through a hard time but speaking about it and sharing does not solve your problems. In today’s world, talking about it aka therapy is considered life changing, uhm. Again, no comment. I completely agree that it helps but nothing more.

True healing and restoration comes from Jesus. He is part God and part Man and He exactly understands how much it sucks to go through life as humans and has the ultimate  Creator’s power to fix our broken hearts. There is no other way. Jesus is the only way. I say it from experience and also from the billions of people who have lived on the earth trusting on Jesus as their God and Saviour, who have never been let down by God. Let down by church, may be. By their own ideas, could be. Their own solutions, perhaps. But by Jesus. Never Ever.

I say all this so you know that there is a solution. There is a God. He loves you and cares for you and wants to solve all your problems and make you happy. Believe me, it grieves the heart of God seeing you shed tears every night and being broken on the inside. His intervention in your life can turn around any situation. Then you ask why has God not helped you yet if He cared so much.

That’s because He is a gentleman. He will not show up, unless you invite Him into your heart and into your life. You need to do it willingly, wholeheartedly and believing His encounter can change you. Jesus operates on the currency of faith. Give yourself to Him trusting and watch how your life turns around.

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