12 Rookie mistakes in the life of a Freelancer

Content Creation

Am just going to get right into it. There is no introduction or transition into the subject matter, as I really don’t have the time and I don’t want to dress up the truth so it doesn’t blow. This is it. The points I have mentioned below are those that I think many early freelancers […]

May 18, 2019

Are you writing for paisas, yet?

Content Creation

“In order to succeed, we must first believe we can” – Nikos Kazantzakis. I remember the first time I told my best friend I wanted to quit my well paying job and become a full-time writer. It was over a call from my apartment terrace in the evening while I was walking with a notepad […]

April 12, 2019

3 times content out-ran internet marketing

Content Creation

I am not one to disclose client details to outsiders but with doing what I do and seeing how much I see brands screw up – especially start-ups, freelancers and SME’s that carry on without paying attention to the most obvious flaws, pinches me. And it hurts. Really, hurts. This is me spilling the beans […]

April 12, 2018